My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu


An earlyish start to get up to Coniston in good time to pitch the tent and get registered for tomorrow's Coniston marathon.

It's a good job I went early as the tent took ages to get up as our foot pump isn't really good enough. Still, it stayed up in the end and I decided to have a wander into the village and find the race start and pick up my number ready for the morning.
Once I'd done that I stopped for a pint and then realised I still had plenty of time so had a look on AllTrails for a nice short walk in the area. Bingo! There was a 5 Km loop starting pretty much from the pub I was in. I'm not convinced it's a brilliant idea the day before a marathon but it was a nice stroll and fairly flat. 

As I came back down to the lakeside I came across a field of sheep and sent Louisa Owen a picture. Almost immediately I received a voice note back of him baa-ing, which I played to the sheep and even got a reply. Then back to the campsite for dinner and an early night. 

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