Every Picture Tells .....




A dull morning and  a cold wet afternoon. The heating has been on again!

I nipped down to Sainsbury's for some bread and coffee and stopped off at the bowling club on my way home. This afternoon, the club is hosting an inter-league match between Clwyd and Wrexham so I was unable to get in some much needed practice.

At the beginning of June the County Council introduced "Trolibocs" as part of a new recycling scheme. They are stackable boxes mounted on a wheeled trolley. The blue lidded box is for paper; the one with the red flap is for mixed metals, plastics and cartons and the lower box is for glass bottles and jars. Additionally there is a blue bag for cardboard and we still use the existing orange container for food waste. There's a hook on container for batteries and small electrical items can be placed on top.

Every other house seems to be disposing of a toaster or an iron. I have a hair dryer and a printer which I am hoping they will take.

Apparently there are teething problems with collections as our Troliboc should have been emptied last Thursday. 

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