That Will Do!

By flumgummery


Gongoozling - watching activity on the canals, something we enjoy, if not an actual hobby.

Inspired by Arell's blip yesterday, Mr Flum suggested investigating the Lin's Mill Aqueduct for ourselves, having never visited before. We arrived as St John Crusader I was moored as the passengers were enjoying their lunch. This boat is one of a fleet run by the Seagull Trust, who run cruises for special needs passengers.

We wandered along the south side of the aqueduct, past the sluice gates from which excess water can be released in to the River Almond below. Here I was inspired to enter the Mono Monday Challenge, focussing on the gates and reflected railings of the north (towpath) side. Colour original in extra 1, with thanks to Pinkhairedlady for hosting.

As we stood St John Crusader II came along and aligned carefully for entry onto the aqueduct, we were able to have a pleasant conversation with the senior volunteer, who was mentoring the helmswoman. Photo in Extra 2.

We then descended the steps to cross below the arches and ascend to the towpath, at which point I realised that I was not carrying my rucksack - had I left it in the car on the opposite bank, or left it lying? I shouted across to our new friends, asking them to check the car; they did so and I was duly reassured that it was indeed inside. What lovely people these volunteers are. 

We continued east hoping for a view of the Mill. Unfortunately access is private and thus also the place nearby, marked on the map as Lin's Grave, which would have been interesting to see. However, finding no way to it, we retraced our steps, we shall investigate further and return when time permits. We waved off Crusader II as it continued back the Ratho, then returned to the car and headed home, arriving a minute before a short sharp shower.

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