Be still and know

By stillandknow

a pop of blue on a gray day

My friend and I planned an early morning hike in a nearby open space. She had been the week before and said the trails were desolate and the wildflowers beautiful at that time of day. Well the morning dawned overcast from rain last night and we were worried about muddy trails. But we went anyway, and now are so glad we did. The trails were damp but not slippery,  we had the place to ourselves, and the filtered light was glorious for picture taking.
I first noticed the orange necklace on this bird, the rest was in dark profile. When I lightened it up on the computer I was delighted to see a Lazuli bunting! Here is the description on my bird ID app:
"The male Lazuli Bunting lights up dry brushy hillsides, thickets, and gardens throughout the West, flashing the blue of a lapis gemstone mixed with splashes of orange."

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