
By Veronica


I thought I was blipless today ... then I went out to fetch the washing in at 9 pm, and spotted this. Naturally I did not have the camera, and the camera didn't have the right lens mounted. Rushed back into the house to correct this situation, and while it isn't great due to poor light, it is proof. I had time to fire off four shots before it took off and soared away, hunting presumably. This will do for the BCLookup challenge as it is actually identifiable this time! Slightly less fuzzy in large, and you can see it's perched on one leg.

A bright spot in an otherwise gloomy day for one reason and another. I also learned that I will be a great aunt in September-- "About time," I thought; my nephew and his partner are 30 and have been together since their first day at university. My sister tried to be casual, but I can tell she is delighted at the prospect of a grandchild.

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