
By Bob20

Watching children play

I have had an exceptionally busy day today. This morning we had to concrete some steelwork in place for a new trash catcher at our hydropower installation and do some preparatory work for the automation of a large sluice gate. At the moment it is opened on a screw thread. The gate weighs over 5 tons and I really don't want to be doing it manually any more!

This afternoon I have been painting at our son's house again.

I really hadn't thought about a blip until I was almost home. I diverted to our local park and saw this elderly lady sitting watching the activity there. I rather liked the fact that she had quite a substantial rucksack, a hat and coat and the temperature in my car said it was 28 degrees!

She has stamina!!

I am sorry but I am unable to reply to the wonderful comments on yesterday's cricket blip. I have loads to do this evening and tomorrow afternoon, I am setting off to see my mum in Surrey.

Thank you so much for the comments, don't give up, normal service will be resumed on ASAP!!

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