
By Farmerboab

What's up Buttercup......

A day of sunshine and heavy showers. Still Baltic though with a North wind. Nearly at the longest day and still wearing a padded shirt and coat plus woolly hat going round the cows on the quad this morning. Roll on summer.
A road trip to St Boswells this morning while Littlemiss dropped her car off at the garage and I gave her a lift home. Stopped in at the mart for a full breakfast and a walk round the cattle for sale. There were two different farms selling fat cattle I had sold them as stores earlier in the year. They looked well finished .Hopefully they sold well as need the folk to buy them again next year.
Stopped off at Lauder as Littlemiss wanted a coffee at The Spotty Dog. Bumped in to our fencing contractor in getting his lunch piece and he kindly bought our coffees for us. ( He will likely add it in to the next fencing bill ...)
Back home and took the pallet of grass seed down the road for the contractor to hopefully sow tomorrow,then back home to run a ton tote bag of sand up to where the dykers are repairing a big hole in the march dyke .
Then had to refill an IBC with water for the sheep up in one of the hill fields that doesn't have piped water.
So another day gone and no real work done. Hopefully the weather picks up and I can crack on with the mower and baler soon.
This is the heifer that jumped over the fence beside the neighbours bull last year. She calved on the first day of June so they are ready to move in beside the older cows and calves. There seems to be an abundance of buttercups this year. Think it's because of the wet spring. Pretty, but just a weed really with not a lot of feed value.

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