Pictorial blethers

By blethers

I'm trying ...

As I said in answer to one of the kind responses to my rather miserable post last night, I am trying to be sensible and not do things when I'm under the weather, but I'm finding it quite a challenge. When I was a teacher, I was either well enough to be in the classroom (facing, as Frank Pignatelli, former Director of Education for Strathclyde Region once said, up to six different audiences a day) or I was at home, alone, in bed with a book for at least the morning if not all day. But now ...

Thing is, things seem better in the morning. The sun was shining, though the perpetually (it seems) thrashing tree in the front garden was still blowing southwards, and I'd said I'd go on the prayer walk through the town. It was only a mile and a half all told, with several stops along the way as we stood in a circle to pray outside the Grammar School (where the Head came out to say hello and warn us the bell was about to ring only it's not a bell any more; it's a futuristic hooting sound); the hospital, the police station, the Burgh Hall, the Baptist church and the café where we finished with a (desperately needed) coffee. There were two chaps from the RC church and a young woman from the CoS in another village as well as us from the Piskie church, and we chatted and marched briskly in the rising wind. 

The photo shows the group spread out ahead of me and my friend Sarah as we loitered chatting in the rear; we're just passing the entrance to the Ambulance bay at the local hospital, which is above the grass on the left. Ahead is the amazing garden centre/hardware shop/cafe, and beside it you can make out the tower at the Fire Station, and yes, it's an odd photo to put here but I didn't take any others all day.

In fact I spent the first part of the afternoon reading the Sunday paper and falling asleep - very proper recuperative behaviour - but then started to tidy bits of the study that might be rummaged in by the engineer who's supposed to be coming tomorrow to facilitate the changeover from BT to whatever its union with EE means - they seem to have promised us more modern stuff and an improved download rate. (The stuff arrived on Saturday in brown parcels) I'm not happy - but at least some of my books and papers have been sorted and tidied/thrown out as suitable and I've wielded my orange fuzzy dusting mitten so that it's not an embarrassment if the engineer needs to grovel among the spaghetti of wires ...

And yes, that made me cough more. I sound like a sea-lion. I'll try harder not to do stuff, but it's going to be tough. And I couldn't stay in bed tomorrow anyway, as the telephone link is, for some reason, beside the bed ...

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