
By LesTension


It's Mono Monday and the theme is "a hobby I enjoy."
I really like fishing.  Mostly, I like hunting trout on wild streams away from just about everybody but myself, my fly rod, the fish....and the mosquitoes.  I don't have any recent pix of my hobby so this is a back blip.  I'm hunting Small-mouth bass on a river that flows right through the middle of a fairly large town.  Small-mouth are terrific fighters and will straighten your elbow many times on a run.  And they are superb eating.
EXTRA:  Every one-in-a-while I get to go out on Lake Michigan with my friend Stu (a former student who has a really nice boat) and my neighbor Ken (shown here behind the wheel. On this lake we take larger fish.  This is a salmon.  There are several species coho and chinook being the most common and also trout...rainbow, brown and lake trout.   I generally take them to the commercial fish place in Sheboygan and have them smoked.   Smoked salmon.....DE-LISH!

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