
By hazelh

Last beach of the holiday

Here are Owen and Mr hazelh on a seat above Bàgh a' Chnoic Mhaoileanaich, the last beach of our holiday. I think that it's a great shot of two old friends. (Younger versions can be seen in the extra, on a ski-ing holiday in Austria in 1988.)

While Alesha was at nursery school this morning, Owen, Rob, Mr hazelh, two of the dogs and I walked along the coastline of Knockvologan. Afterwards Owen, Mr hazelh and I had lunch at the Lazy Cow. Rob couldn't join us because he had to head off for his second job of the day (after driving the school bus first thing this morning) to put in a shift at the charity shop. The three of us had a cup of tea with Owen's mother on the way back to the croft, and also called in on Rob at the end of his shift immediately before he set off to run the children home in the school bus again.

Another friend of Owen and Rob's arrived on Mull from Yorkshire this evening. We had a jolly time with Steve and the rest of the household around the dining room table for supper of mushroom stroganoff (cooked by Rob) and lemon meringue pie (cooked by Mr hazelh) and games of Quirkle and Dobble. I also introduced Alesha to the Wombles.

We really don't want to go home tomorrow :-(

Exercise today: walking (7,093 steps).

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