Keith B

By keibr

The Dee Valley

Day 22
Basically a large and flat flood plain. The Dee obviously gets a lot larger sometimes! As does the Quoich, which comes in from the left and has left that braid of gravel across the middle of my picture.
Yesterday we walked up the Quoich, passing the Linn of Quoich, a mini-gorge with interesting rocks and holes.
Today we took a walk along the main river valley (deer, sheep, and highland cattle) to a handsome bridge across the Dee, and back at a higher level, which is where I took this photo. It also shows our vans parked at the end of the (public) road, and in the far distance, right in the centre of the picture, is Braemar Castle.
More of that character building weather I wrote about yesterday, but it does make for impressive skies.

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