Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack


Brain woke me up too early.

It's been a bit of a bitty day. Waiting on people for information or people not available. It doesn't feel like I've achieved much.

Managed a late power ramble and had some good discussions whilst walking. I even had a pollution incident to deal with, see extra. We phoned Natural Resources Wales and they were going to come out. There was no smell from it, but clearly something has been dumped into the system. We took a sample of it, so that Natural Resources could test it. Hopefully they can trace the source of it and penalise them, children canoe and paddle board on that canal.

A good discussion with my young padawan.

Now I've got a presentation to finish off before my speaker gig next week.

Today I am thankful for:

1.  A good power ramble, although wrapped up warm again. Lol!
2.  A good discussion with my young padawan

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