Roly's Life

By Roly


Last night I finished the book I was reading. Oh it was harrowing. MrRoly snored away blissfully unaware as I sobbed and sobbed. Proper snotty crying. Then I was too hot and the cat was jumping in a bag and people were chatting loudly outside and…..

Despite this I woke early and became overtaken with a bit of domestic goddess in before work. Then out to pick up Princess from college. Her driving test was booked for the end of July but she will be away so we’ve resorted to one of the cancellation apps. First test available is now 5th November. Gutted.

A bit of CPD webinar watching finished me for the afternoon - the lack of sleep kicking in. So I cooked a bean curry and made parathas from scratch. Lush it was. A stroll to drop sleep patches off at Clare’s then home via town (and this view) to watch Sewing Bee.

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