
By Teasel

Flower Meadow

I was awake really early – too early, and I couldn’t get back to sleep.  I eventually got up and went out for an early walk. It was a lovely morning and very peaceful.  I went down and round by the river.  I came home and considered a run, and eventually headed out on the same route as Friday.  It wasn’t quite as windy and not as cold as Friday.  I quite enjoyed it!
Late morning the boys went out shopping and returned home with a new suit for BB.  This was part of his birthday present and is just in time for his school leavers dance which is coming up.  He looks very dapper in it! Of course when they go home, they were both starving, so it was time for a late lunch.
I’m not really sure where the rest of the day went, but late afternoon TT and I walked to Aldi and made a few purchases.  We were both rather over dressed as it was really warm  We came home and enjoyed a drink in the garden.  I was going to cook after I had had a drink but I ended up having a couple of drinks, so tea was later than it should have been as I wasn’t very organised. 
Later I was helping BB with some job stuff.  Maybe he will put some applications in.  My fingers are crossed.
I walked past these lovely flowers this morning.  A few weeks ago this was full of tulips, like these.

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