
By Ridgeback13


Z&T went up Arthur’s Seat first thing and when they got home they powered their way through their last Scottish breakfast before nipping down to a shop in town and packing their stuff.
I’d started on the financial assessment work for P’s care home costs and as is often the case with this stuff got tied in knots with passwords, and in a maze of exchange rates and different accounts. Frustrating and tedious but I just kept ploughing through until it was time to drop them at their car and I took the opportunity to nip down to the infirmary to give A the dogfood she’d left here at the weekend. She (and a few others from their night out on Friday!) have all come down with Covid and she wasn’t feeling great so was going home early.
Back home and did a bit more finance admin (including for myself, establishing I’d been scammed and managing to sort that out with the bank) before tackling the draft papers for next week’s Board meeting.
Met LE for supper at Umi and enjoyed a salmon rice bowl and lots of chat before we walked over to see La Traviata. Never fails to bring the huge emotions this one, and Hye-Youn Lee as Violetta was simply outstanding. She’s been in a few Scottish Opera lead roles and always delivers such power with such a gorgeous tone in her singing. The production was really vibrant and darkly rich costumes and set (including the floor being Violetta’s headstone) all added to it.
Came out to virtually daylight light levels after 10pm…but bittersweet as we’re nearly at the solstice and the darkness will start to return soon.

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