Blush response

By Esper

So What Do You Do For A Living?

On This Day In History
1942: Anne Frank receives her diary

Quote Of The Day
"Laziness may appear attractive, but work gives satisfaction."
(Anne Frank)

Not a diary, but my school calendar which I received today. The second calendar blip in a row. Funny how these things work out, isn't it?

Anne Frank's observation was certainly true today. I worked very hard, starting with the transition morning before morning break teaching my class for next year, followed by my class' Exit Point all afternoon, with parents coming in to see their children present their learning through various activities. Frenetic, a bit noisy but extremely rewarding as the children, the parents and myself had lots of fun and laughter.

Is this work, I ask myself?

You might recognise Mr. Greene from my blip a few days ago; no longer D.J. Greenzy, but 007. Me? Well, I'm the boy who never grew up, aren't I?

She Works Hard For The Money

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