Journies at home

By journiesathome

Danny Boy

I left Danny Boy and found myself on the chemin des crètes then crisscrossing the railway line and the Canal du Midi and finally down to the old Roman road linking Castelnaudary to Tolosa.

At a red light I texted Emma and ambitiously suggested we meet at Atmos in half an hour.

The terrace of Atmos has a grounding effect on me.  I know who'll be there, Jean Marc brings me coffee without me having to order it, Emma sits next to me with her good ear facing me, she pulls out a little bejeweled thing and  hangs her bag on it.  The old Arab men are in their corner, the Gambling Lady orders her first whiskey and fills out her billets, M.Rizzi walks past, complains about the cold and wishes us a good day.  Eliana sells us lottery tickets, with half a pig at stake, Serge's jackdaw perches on a chair back and waits for croissant crumbs.  Everything is as it should be. 

I buy bread from Saveurs and find Andrew and Felicity singing Irish songs to Irish Sam. They move on to Danny Boy and I catch the octave jump moment, which Felicity manages and Andrew gives up on. 

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