Foxy's Folio


San Vigilio

Today we decided to walk to San Vigilio, a small peninsula at the end of the bay, which I’d heard was very pretty. The route took us a coupe of miles, first along the promenade then behind the narrow shingle beach, up a steep path then the final half a mile or so along the busy main coast road with no footpath and lots of blind bends, which made it rather exciting at times!

By the time we got to where Google maps said the road to San Vigilio should be, we saw an entrance that said San Vigilio Park, where we were greeted a young woman who told us this was a private park but we could pay 25 euros to go in.

She told us that the place we were looking for was further down the road so off we set. After a few hundred yards we came across the entrance to another private beach(only 15 euros!) where the young guy on the ticket office assured us that San  Vigilio was back where we’d just come from so back we went to discover that the road next to the original place, marked Private Hotel Only, was the one we should have taken.

Anyway, when we got there, this is what it looked like, with the view of the rest of the harbour and bar where we stopped for a drink and to admire the view is in extras along with a mono version of the main blip which I thought gave it that 50s b&w film look.

The hotel is very up market: apparently both Churchill and King Charles have stayed here. Hope they found it easier than we did!

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