Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

Tickled pink today

Had a lovely swim
Brisk walk (weather is cold)
Tennis (played like a granny)

Then paid a visit to the mammy in the afternoon because The Irish Army Band were playing for the residents in the garden. It was really lovely and they played, amongst other things, a set by Mancini (born 100 years ago - 12 days before my mother …. Sadly he died in 1994).

As we assembled in the garden, I noticed the first 2 rows were free. So wheeled the mammy to the end of the row in wheelchair and I sat on end seat. Well just before the band struck up, the M.C. Asked us to give a round of applause for the British Ambassador to Ireland Mr. Paul Johnston and his wife, the UK Military Attache to Ireland and the Commandant of the Irish Army and yes you guessed it, they all sat down beside us. We had a great chat and my mother told them all about codeword (“harder than a plain crossword”).. something has just struck me … imagine leaning over to a top military man (or woman) and asking them had they ever done a codeword. OMG that’s actually hilarious.

Anyway, if you like bird watching, you might give this a look this evening

I’m a bit tired. I have been on the go all day. Plus I staked up my tomatoes and picked last of the rhubarb.

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