
It has arrived. Looking at the inside I think we will fit everything. There is a lot of vertical. While my pile in the mudroom seems really big it doesn't go up all that much. Tomorrow we'll do most of the packing. There are still a few things I haven't bagged up but it shouldn't be too hard to finish tomorrow. Then I'll have a few days to relax a bit.
The box was delivered on this trailer and he will haul it back to the Uhaul place on it. But then it is lifted into a big moving truck to be hauled to Wyoming. It seems like a good system.
I had to run into town for some errands. I wanted to make sure I had actually closed my checking and savings accounts. The teller said I had 1 penny in my checking...lol. It was still open. She gave me the penny and closed the account.
The extra is one of the squirrel youngsters. They are really relaxed around us. Luckily Hilda has decided she enjoys watching them but not hunting them so much. 

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