Steph's window on life...

By SJordan

Summer has arrived!

31* C I could get used to that! ;)

Today's been relatively busy. And it was hot! I got up early and headed up to meet Amanda, then we went to pick up our uniforms for the 2013 World Police and Fire Games, I think they look pretty smart. After uniform pick up, we called into Starbucks for some Frappacionos, they were so good!

I came home, had some lunch, read a little and relaxed, before heading to work at 5. In work, I got a text from Tory, telling me the uni gang were heading out and asking me to join them. So I raced home and got changed after work, before picking up Laura and heading over to Filthy McNasty's. It was lovely to see everyone and a great night was had. :)


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