Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol


This photo was captured just as lunch was concluding. Tristan, our great-grandson is looking a little sleepy. The word "nap" is not in his lexicon, though. He wants to be active every waking moment.

This photo is today's capture that fits into a series caught throughout the week at Family Camp -- one-photo-a-day of Tristan looking right at the camera and smiling. His cousin Ashly caught a terrific photo of his smiling from ear-to-ear two days ago as we waited for the boat at the terminal in San Pedro. Then I caught one of him Monday during lunch when everyone was busy doing something except Tristan; he just looked at the camera and charmed me with his smile. I think he looks like his Great-grandpa Fun, when Mr. Fun was a little boy.

I can't even begin to express how fun it is to spend time with this little guy. We were so thrilled that his mommy would let him come to camp with us even though she had to work and could not join us. Our oldest grandchild will be 25 in September. She has been the delight of our lives, along with her brother, Emerson, and their cousin (Tristan's mom) . No one could have ever told me when I was young what a thrilling and deeply meaningful experience grandparenting would be. Mr. Fun and I have many friends who did not live long enough to see their grandkids, so we truly appreciate the privilege we have.

Many things happened at camp today and all were photographic moments: Great-grandpa Fun and Tristan tandem kayaking together; Tristan learning the hand motions and the words to the children's songs; the blue of the ocean dotted with campers on floaty toys, on paddle boards, on kayaks, and just swimming.

This has been a very good day. We've enjoyed it immensely.

From Catalina Island on California's coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. And yes, this is being back-blipped; gradually I'm getting our week of camp posted here.

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