My Daily Life in Photo's.

By Mothermudd

Pembrokeshire Docks

Today my friend had to work in the morning, so I took myself off to Whitland for a mooch around & picked up a few things, before heading back to Tavernspite.
We had a quick bite to eat & headed off to Pembrokeshire Docks Museum with the WI.
I wasn't sure about this, but my friend wanted to go & I'm glad I went too as it was quite interesting.
Here are some bits pulled up from the sea close-by of a Sunderland Aeroplane, a local Fisherman kept losing his Lobster Pots, so asked a Diver to check where they were & Low & Behold the Aeroplane was found along with Lobster Pots caught on the plane.
Did you know that a Famous Ship was built here in the 1970's?
After going round the Museum we went for Lunch at a local Garden Centre; temptation took old of my friend, but not me. I was a good girl. LOL!
Surprise.............................................................................................................................................. The ship I was talking about earlier was in fact ............................................................................................................................................... The Millennium Falcon...... of Star Wars fame .

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