
By Incredibish

The Tartan Garden

It was, in fairness, coincidence rather than planning, but in honour of the Tartan Army currently residing in Munich as reported in the news today... a double exposure ICM of some geraniums in the front garden. :-)

The weather is pants again... only a gentle rain at the moment but a rattling southerly wind and with more rain to come. I'm no climatologist but I guess the warming seas are producing more water vapour - clouds - and the wandering Jet Stream is dumping the water on us. Is this the future? How depressing!

More depressing is the recent report that Eloon's scattering of low Earth orbit satellites - already plaguing astronomers - may be about to eat away at the ozone layer, returning to us the cancer causing ozone hole we began to cure with the banning of CFCs in the 1980's.

Still, it's been a fun afternoon doing photography 101 with Janet, and here we have an example of slow shutter... :-)

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