Cedar Waxwing

Saturday night after we got home, I saw this little fellow (or gal) hopping around under our trees in the back yard. It is a young Cedar Waxwing, one of our summering birds. This little guy jumped out of the nest (or was blown out) too early. He was unable to fly when I picked him up, so I have kept him in our potting shed for the last two days. I looked up what to feed him, and one food suggested is dog food. Kirby shared a little, so I pulverized it, then added a little water to make it peanut butter like. I feed him every couple of hours, and he eats right out of my hand. I think I've imprinted him, and he thinks I'm his mom.

Cedar Waxwings are one of my favorite summer birds, especially their song.
The song says summer.

He has bonded so much to me that he rides my finger as a perch out into the garden and sits there enjoying the summer breeze. He, and I, can hear his parents in the fir tree where his nest probably still rests, and when he hears them, he perks up and calls back. He looks up into the tree, and calls and calls. And then he sits there meditatively, closes his eyes, and enjoys the summer evening breeze. He tried to fly this afternoon, and made it about three feet. That's a three foot improvement from Saturday. I'm thinking another couple three days and he flies off.

I am the Bird Whisperer. Good Lord...what have I become?

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