
By ayearinthelife

Happy Jack

We’re in the Halifax area today. Seeing Sheryl Crow in concert later, but we’ve spent the day with friends we haven’t seen for a good six years. Lovely to see that they’ve hardly changed and are still hale and hearty. He has a superb Morgan sports car, but no chance of that leaving the garage today as there was the ever present threat of rain.
They have really looked after us today - we have been properly fed and watered and they took us to visit nearby Shibden Hall, the home of Anne Lister - perhaps better known as “Gentleman Jack”. The hall dates from 1420, but most of what we see today is largely thanks to Anne Lister. A very interesting visit and I learnt a lot - not just the history of the hall but also about Anne and her life. The photo is of a wooden carving of the stone lion at the entrance to the hall, which stands at the foot of the grand staircase in a space much developed by Anne Lister when she lived there.
Our friends have been kind enough to run us down to Halifax to the concert and will pick us up again afterwards. So no problems with getting lost or trying to find somewhere to park!
Not sure how we are going to repay their hospitality next time they are in The Lakes and come to see us!

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