
By Veronica


... phone photo taken as I left this evening's yoga class. Since H complained a few weeks ago about the Lizard pose being too difficult, it's very relaxed now. It's growing on me -- some positions look very simple but are more stretching than they look! Eric does lots of breathing exercises too, which are generally not a feature of Iyengar classes. Teacher Ludmila has gone AWOL again, so I'll continue going to this one.

We've been booking accommodation for our Cuba trip in November, and S sorted the necessary tourist visa today. I've also signed up for a sourdough bread course in the depths or rather heights of the Cantal at the end of July. Lots to look forward to!

Election news: The leader of the Républicains is now making noises about legal action against the dissidents . In the middle of an election campaign. They may even put up two sets of candidates since neither side is backing down. The Front Populaire were stuck in arduous negotiations about policy the last time I checked.

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