
By Pinkhairedlady

Getting organised

I had to drop off a parcel, pick up poo bags and get a few bits and pieces for our trip so I headed out after breakfast. Mr PHL took Phin to the park. The daft dog is suffering the ill effects of overeating yesterday and many poo bags have been utilised!

After lunch I got the beds made up in the van and started sticking the cupboards. We’re only going for 2 nights and are going out for dinner on Saturday so we don’t need a lot but I hate having to buy something we could have brought with us.

It’s just going to be us meeting up with Mr PHL’s sister as his brother’s 14 year old Jack Russell is going in for an exploratory op tomorrow as he’s not been well recently so they’re not going to make it to Banchory. I was going to cook dinner for us all tomorrow night but I can adjust the quantities down. I hope wee Toby is ok.

Just the fridge to fill and a few clothes to throw in the van in the morning and we’ll be set.

Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting. My box of piping nozzles.

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