
By H22

Place: Gulfport, FL 78/92
Main activity: Thurs - work, TJs
Notes: Woke to a vertical rainbow (double) out the south over the water - was so cool! Slow morning getting going but then did a bit of work for several hours before driving to Trader Joe's - Ellen went with. Back and tried to lay down but couldn't rest so made tuna salad and then did a bit more work. Ellen came over later and we sat and chatted for awhile and then jumped on Zoom w/ Jo from ~ 5-6p, was really good to catch up. Shower and relaxing for the evening ... can't get enough of the water right outside my window! Shower and then watched Wendy Kennedy and looked at some more rentals online (2/2 this time as Ellen and I may go see some and consider a share.)

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