Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

before the storm

Well that was a well timed bit of gardening on our part! Ali has dug over the beds left after their extension was completed last year and they said some slabs by the door last autumn. Today we put in some perennials to add a bit of colour. The peony at the back has been living in a crate in our garden for the last two years. It's survived pretty well and even flowered this year, hopefully it won't have noticed it was in a different place. It's back more or less where we lifted it from. They were watered in, but this evening's rain will be very good for them all.
C has gone up north to do some more work with his sister on getting probate organised so they can get the flat on the market. It's taken longer as they have found times to meet up challenging as they are both so busy. Hopefully this time all will be sorted though and it can go to the court for approval.
I was in Leith this evening and popped into Asda where I found a couple of trays of lettuce seedlings, so they can go into the crate the peony came out of once the weather improves.
Friday tomorrow, have a good weekend everyone once it comes

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