An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Lovely lupins...

Early rise this morning as the sun was shining and I knew it was to turn to rain later so I wanted to make the most of it.

Realised I haven't taken my annual lupin shots so decided today was the day.  They are past their best now and starting to turn to seed from the bottom up but this little clump flower a bit later than the rest since they were accidentally chopped down in there prime a couple of years ago! 

Alan had an appointment with physios and OTs at their base in Perth.  Apparently he was to be measured.  We weren't sure what for but off he went with D and Blake.  I was laughing at D recounting the experience when they returned.  

There were five lovely young ladies (three blondes, Alan's favourite) who manoeuvred Alan into various sitting / lying / standing positions and took lots of measurements.  He was charm personified and completely compliant with all their requests to move his arm here, move his leg there.  They were all fawning over him and he was loving it!  Turns out it was a postural support assessment and they are looking at ways to ensure he is comfortable in all his seating / lying positions, be that in his chairs or in bed.  His wheelchair has a moulded seat that it very comfortable but his armchair (which we ironically call his comfy chair) could be better.  I am hoping they will come up with a solution for that.  They did talk about a sleep system for his bed but that's not really needed as when he falls asleep, the physical manifestations of his cerebral palsy almost disappear and he can move around and turn over in bed with ease.  Only thing he can't do is pull his quilt back over himself if he kicks it off and then gets cold.  

Anyway, we are impressed that they reached out to us to do this assessment without us having to ask and will be interested to see what comes of it.

Whilst that was happening I had a fairly lengthy telephone consultation with my GP about all my recent health issues.  I am happy with the outcome of that and the steps forward she is suggesting.  Watch this space!

After lunch the forecast rain arrived and that's bad enough, but it's so cold too!  I made pot of coffee and retreated to the studio and spent a lovely couple of hours just pottering with a little bit of painting.  

This evening I've edited photos and turned my thoughts to what's happening over the next few weeks. Busy times ahead :-))

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