Journey’s End
Another early start - but this time I cracked the whip so that it was only an hour between getting up and casting off. I need my orange juice he wailed. And then .. I need a hot facecloth to wake me up. Jeesus, Shackleton would certainly have left him at home. We’re mariners! Hardy hardy men. Not kiss me Hardy men. Strewth.
We put in two reefs as he was spooked by the forecast. In the flat calm north of Rona we whipped them out though the wind steadily increased as we got across the Minch. To be fair to skip, it’s not properly set up for reefing on the go. To be fair to me, he’s had it for 15 years so really needs to get that sorted.
Anyway, eventually Marbhig hove into sight and we majestically sailed into the Loch to be met by Annie and several neighbours out spectating.
And once showered we all sat down to a fine meal, before retiring to the armchairs in front of the fire. And the sunset was splendiferous; I nipped out to take a final photo from the bottom of their garden at 10:30pm.
C’mon, that’s worth a favourite surely, you sunset loving blippers!
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