
By JennyOwen

Canal walk, dodging showers

A productive day, after a much better night's sleep (thankfully).
Richard came with me for a walk along the canal path this morning, where I needed to photograph some murals for the ArtUK database. We just managed to finish our route before the rain came down.
Since I last saw the murals along this stretch - commissioned by the Canal and River Trust - quite a few have either disappeared behind vegetation or been overwritten by local graffiti artists.  But there are survivors too, including two lovely horses near the canal basin itself. I like the way this one seems to be emerging from the brickwork, full of energy.
After lunch I got out in the garden in between more showers, and managed to cut back some of the shurbs that have grown so long and leggy with all the rain. I can't remember a June that's been as cold and wet as this one.

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