
By Hillyblips

Crash Bang Wallop

Here you see a desperate peregrine chick frantic got get back to the nesting tray for his supper.

'I hope no-one was watching', he must have thought - hopefully.

His first flight was a complete success as he had flown off the ledge, waited to get his breath, flown then to another part of the east tower (looking frankly terrified) scrabbled around looking left and right, head bobbing then moved not very far but far enough for an exploratory sortie. The lad ended up round the corner of the tower when mum came in with food and that was a huge dilemma! He had to get back to the nesting tray!
He did it!

I have over 800 shots of this caper and have chosen the first I liked and came across. Out to diner tonight for the first time in what seems ages so looking forward to it. I would add though picking ups a glass of wine after my session at the gym is frankly going to be taxing.

My news is this week rightly or wrongly that I'm looking for a Border Terrier puppy. I just hope Poppy won't hate me for it...

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