..endeavour to persevere

By Nick_T

Cormorant Rock

Rain this morning and I made a schoolboy error.
When I was a BT apprentice in 1981 an old T.O.  told me that if/when I was promoted to Technical Officer then I should always have something to do, that way I would never get roped in to something unpalatable.
 For a moment today I forgot that lesson and over breakfast exclaimed, "it's raining, so what to do..?" 
Jess, far quicker up top than me replied, "the kitchen needs painting"
So it was, I spent the morning bending my neck into unnatural positions trying to see what I was doing under the kitchen cabinets.
On a positive note the weather improved by lunchtime, the painting was done and I even had time to watch a youtube chap show how easy it is to photograph Swallows on the wing.
And so this afternoon I was off down the coast path.  Camera set to
AF-C, bird recognition on. Shutter 1/4000 and IOS Auto,  gattling gun mode on.  - There were plenty of swallows as expected.
Result - Pants!
By the time a lady walking by asked what birds I was photographing I had lost enthusiasm somewhat and had identified a nice rock which the incoming tide was washing over.. There were two Cormorants playing chicken with the waves and the rock wasn't moving which was fine by me.
So here it is, Cormorant Rock

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