
By carliewired

72 F/ 22 C

A late start for me
with the sun already high
and bright with blue skies


My night's sleep was rudely interrupted by a persistent buzz inside my house. At 2:30 AM I was not very discerning. I initially told myself it was just a far off train and go back to sleep. Finally, I got out of bed to investigate. The noise was coming from the security system's keypad on the wall in my kitchen. I'd wandered down the hall without reading glasses, so I had to retrieve them before sorting the problem. I decided to push just any button to kill the noise - and it worked!  Trying to get back to sleep was another problem entirely. 

I was late (for me) leaving the house at 8 AM. I'd already determined I'd drive out to Tranquille to check on the osprey. 

I stopped for a panorama of the wetlands pond. It has expanded beyond the fence lines. Canada geese are enjoying the expanded water ways. 

I drove on to Tranquille Farm to park near the osprey nest. I could see one on the nest so I assume all is well with the osprey family. 

I walked into the weedy roadside to get some photos of wildflowers. I came away with seeds stuck all over my socks. I got a shot of my mountains looking very blue in the sunshine. 

Being later this morning, I had to contend with more people - road construction and workers, a cycling team and heavily loaded logging trucks. The upside was meeting my painting buddy out for her morning walk. 

I picked up my morning coffee on the way back home. I'm in with the never-ending paperwork to occupy me today. 

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