
By ArcLight

Northern climes

Back in the north again. The journey on the train was not quite on time, but it was not too bad. Mr A was waiting for me, and we went to Highland Wholefoods for a few supplies before heading back to Tain. I wandered around the garden to get a few snaps, but shortly afterwards it rained, so that put paid to the idea of doing any weeding.

Very very tired, and lacking in concentration. Although I was theoretically on a day off, I attended two Teams meetings whilst on the platform and on the train. Part of this was to do with the fact that the students blockaded Old College and while there isn't that much happening in the office normally on a Friday in June, in fact today there was an inaugural lecture by one of my colleagues in the afternoon in the Playfair Library. However, the students departed by lunchtime, so the hastily rearranged plan did not have to be activated. I hope it went well. The protest seemed, I'm afraid, a bit juvenile and performative, and - despite claims on X - it didn't achieve a whole lot that was not happening anyway. I'm broadly supportive of some of the aims of the protestors, but not in sympathy with most of their means or with the language of their campaigns. I then took advantage of the train journey to prepare a few things that I need for next week.

There was a plan to go swimming, but it died a death, not least because I was too exhausted to bestir myself, but also - on my part anyway - because I've got the beginnings of a cold. Cold water immersion might help with that. On the other hand, it might not. A restful afternoon seemed a better idea.

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