fools challenge

By ladypop


Sun, cloud and one shower!

A lovely morning with my 3 friends:)  Two of them celebrate birthdays next week, one is 90, the other is not saying but much younger!  A delicious breakfast by the lake and lots of talking:)  Drove them home, changed clothes and did some jobs. Went round to K's, got slightly wet in the one shower of the day, took the blip of the geranium in his garden.  We then went for a walk over the common and along the seawall, lots of photos taken including the three extras.  Plenty of oxeye daisies as seen in the last extra, the sea is on one side and this is the view on the other side.  Back home I watered the plants. Runner beans and tomatoes doing well, although as I don't have a greenhouse it may be awhile before I have any tomatoes!

Enjoy your weekend blippers:)

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