This is the only photo I've taken today. And I'm too lazy to bother to go look for another/better one. So!
This is a shot of the hayfield we walk up the side of every morning on our way to Chapel Spring Lane. Still hasn't been cut. Probably no one will come this year to actual make hay, but maybe the guy who owns it will get someone to bush hog it at some point? In any case - as long as it stands the meadowlark nests, and the fawns and baby rabbits are safer than they otherwise would be, so that's a good thing.
We do mow a path for ourselves along the edge. I don't think our neighbor is completely happy about that, but we're not the only people who use it. And he does agree that it's MUCH safer than having to walk along the very narrow, heavily trafficked, road to get up the hill.
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