Planet man adventures

By rowanhagdorn


slide into the weekend. The M &Ms have both got the COVID after 4 years of avoidance. They are well enough to complain and do things but still ill enough to complain. 

Went to the market early so that we had some fresh food. Bought bread and found out that the quarkball trailer with ovens has been stolen, so no more quarkballs. The people working the markets work so hard in all weathers for very little. To loose your ability to make a living is crap. 

At work I painted some furniture and prepared some wood to be decorated next week. A student popped around to say hello, he has been in hospital after burning his leg. I made a card for him with the children which I could pass on to him. Went to a meeting and spent some time talking to the children about flags and football. I borrowed a Scottish flag from mini M, they were curious. 

We did watch the football, at least they got a goal. 

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