Now we have everything

By Gembop

Wayne Manor

A perfect Sunday! It started with a trip to a spa with my BFF where I had an amazing massage followed by a manicure and pedicure. We grabbed a coffee and a couple of slabs of very sinful looking cake and had a lovely catch up talking about our boys (and girl!) Funny, we were talking about boys 15 years ago too!

When I got home Dad served up one of his yummy Sunday roasts then my parents, sister, nephews and us all headed off to Woolaton Hall and Park. It was used in the recent Batman film as Bruce Wayne's ancestral home hence today's blip title.

We had a lovely afternoon walking around the park . Ollie has discovered a love of running down very steep grassy hills. I could barely keep up with him and nearly had a fit when I realised he was heading towards a concrete path. I just knew if he was going to fall that would be where it would happen! Thankfully I caught him in time. He's such a little character. He's hilarious.

When we got home it was time for Robin to head back to London, on his own :( Charlie and I are going to head back with Mum and Dad on Tuesday as they're staying in London with us for a little city break.

Charlie went down at 7pm and I followed him up at 10pm to make a start on the latest Dan Brown.

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