
By Wildwood

Mystery Tree Flower

There are trees planted between the parking lot next to Trail House and the buildings next door. Dana joined us there this morning, but neither she nor I knew what is is. Dana said she has a feeling it was either 'I had a feeling it was that' or 'oh, so that's what that looks like'. My phone doesn't seem to know either....It could be an overgrown shrub, but whatever it is the flowers are really pretty and I liked the light filtering through the leaves.

Dana and I went together in search of daily uniform. I threw away every t-shirt which had mystery holes in it (possibly caused by the seat belt.) Since that was most of them, I was in the market for some replacements. I have promised myself, after the great closet cull, that if I buy something, I have to get rid of something. Dana is a great arbiter of what I buy, reminding me of things like, 'you'll never wear that....'

I had a friend who once told me that she'd 'rather go to jail than try on swimming suits', and I'm inclined to feel the same way about jeans, but I needed a new pair. I've always worn tight skinny jeans but Dana said they are passé now. Her comment was , 'you don't work in a middle school' and my response was that I'm also a such a long way from middle school that I can barely remember it, but I took her point and tried on and bought a different style. 

The woman in the shop remembered me, and we were in agreement that Santa Rosa isn't exactly a shopping mecca. I told her that this shop, a French owned company called Amour Vert* gave me hope that at least there is one nice store in town now.

I'm looking forward to getting back to watching 'Bodkin' tonight. We got sidetracked for a couple of nights by new (to us) episodes of Grand  Design.  My favorite thing about Irish productions is not so much the plot as the character development...always quirky and a little bit surprising....

*everything is sustainably sourced, and not inexpensive, but well made, nicely designed and worth the extra money.

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