
By NCDWarks

Earning my Crust

Today I managed to get to the gym before starting work, not only managing the usual 5km plod, but also starting to do a little bit of jogging in intervals. 7 minutes faster overall. But if I don't push myself, I'll never progress.

Picking up my first learner driver at 8am, having a short break here before continuing until 12.30pm. Then I have two more learners to get to, both for 90minute lessons, before heading home for about 5.30pm.

I love my job as a driving instructor, partially because I love driving, but also because I love passing on my enthusiasm for being at the wheel. Even after over a decade of doing the same thing every working day, I couldn't imagine doing anything else to earn my crust.

If you are reading this, have a safe and blessed weekend, whatever you are doing.

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,”
Colossians 3:23 ESV

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