Hector's House

By MisterPrime


From Puno to Cuzco by way of the day-long ‘Route of the Sun’ bus, stopping off along the way for a folklore museum. A buffet lunch (of course), the remains of an Incan and pre-Incan settlement at Raqchi (excellent) and a lovely painted church just ahead of our destination (ask me not for place names…!) The latter was hosting a pre-first-communion Mass but they let us in a few at a time to climb to the balcony in the rear and marvel at the murals (no photos!) Afterwards, we sat in the Square, watched the little girls parade around in their communion dresses and chatted to the locals (well, Beck chatted, I limited myself to nodding sagely.) We arrived at our hotel well after dark and limited ourselves to leftover snacks for tea (neither of us was hungry, what with the altitude and me still suffering from what Honorio, our Colca guide, referred to as ‘La Turistica…!’)  

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