
Don't you just love it when for the first time in two years, we are having a few days of real summer?

This ice cream is pure temptation on a hot sunny day, but I must stand firm against such luxuries, however persistent the delights in eating it outside on the patio this afternoon might seem.

I have lost a bit of momentum with my 2day diet during the last the last two months, and must try to rekindle some enthusiasm in meeting the thinner lady inside me.

And so the Cornetto, so lovingly bought for me by His Lordship, is going into the freezer for another day, while for lunch I will sip water and nibble a hard boiled egg and distract myself by reading in the sun until I can delve into a plate of salad for tea.

Il faut souffrir pur être belle......the French know a thing or two.

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