
By Bom

Flights - Too Far Away

I went over to Cromer hoping to see the Red Arrows on their way to Buckingham Palace. I got there early in case the car parks were full later and did a bit of shopping. Then I stopped at the church to talk to a few guides with a scope to show people the Peregrine Falcons. I couldn't get good photos with my 400mm lens as they were too far away, but the one on the left is the female, the centre is the 53 day old chick, and on the right is the male. At one point I saw the male fly off, followed soon after by the chick to do some training. Evidently when prey is caught the parents still bring it back to the church to feed the chick there. Then I did a walk along the coast path (with a fab homemade bounty ice cream cornet) and sat waiting for the red arrows. It had been a nice sunny morning, albeit still chilly in the wind. Then 15 mins before they were due, heavy clouds came over the town and started moving out to sea. The red arrows flew in two groups out near the horizon, I don't know if that was the plan or if they had to adjust plans due to the deterioration in the weather - I couldn't even hear them they were too far out and they were also too far for my lens. Then it started raining and I got a bit wet on the way back to the car.

Just before they were due, a couple joined me on the bench to see them and I got chatting, particularly to the woman. It turns out that both our mums were born and grew up in Bletchley and both our dads served during the War at Whaddon (and there couldn't have been that many based at Whaddon Hall, where the Station X wireless intercept and covert communication group was that transferred 5 miles from Bletchley Park in 1940). What a small World it is! 

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