Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Shrimp Plant…

…A bit leggy but healthy (and dripping nectar).
We have a few of them at the moment. (In fact, we have never been without at least one in the time we’ve been together).

It’s a ‘home’ blip today. I’ve been catching up with friends (by ‘phone) which has been very pleasant. (There’s nothing like a good catch up with people who have known you very well for centuries. As the popular birthday card says, ‘we’ll always have to be friends; you know too much’).
One chat wasn’t all fun and laughter. On a serious note it highlighted the quite sad state of the NHS. Words fail.

On a more cheerful note.. I’m trying to find one…
.. Erm… I’ll settle on the unexpected tears I shed at the trooping of the colour earlier.
I’ll put it down as ‘cheerful’, though it perhaps doesn’t quite tick that box… My Dad had a career involving aircraft. And today, the aircraft involved in the ceremony, for the first time, really created a big lump in my throat.
In a good way…

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