The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham

All is Calm

A good nights sleep and a lazy morning then I starting potting up some plants until the wee man arrived on a card making mission! He wasn’t keen to stay until he was told categorically that he wasn’t staying overnight then he happily waved goodbye to Daddy and we had a lovely time together.

A card made for tomorrow and one for Uncle G who has a birthday today then he wanted to watch some TV before he started raiding the kitchen cupboards! He did enjoy a boiled egg in an egg cup with bread and butter soldiers before I drove him home again.

Home and I topped up my engine oil…or maybe over topped it would possibly be more correct!! You learn from your mistakes…right! In my defence I’ve never had to do it before as the cars never done enough miles between servicing to need any topping up.

Did take a quick walk along the prom before I had tea but the only photo I took today was of the river after dropping the wee man off.

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