
By WharfedaleBex

The frog prince

After my thirty-minute taster yesterday, I was looking forward to this morning. I thoroughly enjoyed nipping in and out of the hides and seeing what was around,  but the sound of the marsh frogs in the first hide stands out the most. I thought the racket was birds at first but when my app didn't ID anything, I wondered frogs and a guy came in and told me they were marsh frogs and that I might get to see them when it warmed up later in the day. So of course, I had to revisit - and found this little prince lazing in the pool. Good food for the grass snakes, apparently - but  didn't see any of those today.

Also spotted a waterspout (extra) (update: may be a funnel cloud) but thankfully, missed the rain before heading to Flamborough to see my sister.

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