
By rainie

Catching the Sun

This and my extra are both taken from my door - different as chalk and cheese.  But both catching the sun.  Wasn't sure what to blip so used both.

Last night the images arrived in my Dropbox for judging.  Its a big task for me, especially this week when there is much to do before we fly out on Saturday.
A Nature competition run by the NPS (Nature Photographic Soc of NZ), where NZ photography clubs put together a set of six plus showing the set as thumbnails.  I'm blown away with the standard (I was warned to expect a high standard).  They have to show diversity with the six images, along with a set that flows.
I made a start today, and have sorted out the best way for me to judge them....I won't bore you, but I almost need a spreadsheet !!  Then I have to write comments along with Honour awards for individual images. 

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